
HorseColors ...
...seeks to address the wide spectrum of horse color interests of
the equine community. Illustrative photographs; clear
descriptions of, and simple artwork depicting, the various colors; the basics of
genetics, illustrated; how specific horse colors are inherited; identifying horse colors
and coat patterns; how to breed for
the color you want; and more.

The webmaster would prefer to use the
photographs of one photographer to illustrate all of these
pages, plus populate a "Gallery" of
their most beautiful horse color
pictures. If you would be interested in providing those photographs
for this site, in exchange for full credit and free advertising, please
contact the
This is a free, educational web site. If a book is published,
it will be handled separately.

You can learn to:
This web is structured to provide a simple,
well-illustrated, intuitively organized flow
of information. To get the most out of it, simply follow that flow, by
beginning with
Genetics 000 and then progressing through
Agouti, Dark Bases,
Dilutions and
White. We
believe that the diagrams, artwork and, eventually, the beautiful
photography will make that journey enjoyable as well as educational!

To begin,
click on Genetics 000, or
choose any page from the many links
at the top and bottom of each page
You may also "take the complete
course" -- a tour of the entire web site --
by clicking "next" after you read each page, beginning with this
("Next" links are at the top and
bottom of each page.)